Oi Família e amigos!
So this week went by
really slow. It rained all week, and that makes missionary work really
difficult here. Some days it was okay, but others it was super stormy and we
had to stay at some appointments a little longer than planned. So all of my
shoes got wet and are STILL drying.
Something good-- there
was a mission conference with President Jairo Mazzagardi. He is an area leader
here in Brazil. He was super funny and also super helpful for my mission life.
He talked a lot about obedience, repentance, and how to help people come unto
Christ. I learned so much from him and from the Spirit of God. I need to do
better. We always have something that we aren’t doing perfectly, and I was
shown a lot of things that I need to change. I really want to be the best
person I can be, I want to be more like Jesus Christ. I have a long way to go.
It was also good this
week because I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting. Bishop called on Saturday and
asked if I could talk about Charity. It was a great opportunity to study
charity, the pure love of Christ. I found a great talk about charity from the
April 2014 general conference by President Thomas S. Monson called Love: The Essence
of the Gospel. It was really good, and I learned that I need to be so much
nicer to people. We need to love everyone! We are all children of God, brothers
and sisters. Really it’s just the little things that make all the difference.
There is an irmã in the ward who writes little notes to people on their
birthdays or just because. I read my little note that she wrote to me and I
just felt so happy and so loved, even though I don’t really know her yet. Try
to do something today to make someone a little happier, and you'll be happier
Sister Berry
Btw I made my dad’s no
bake cookies with the peanut butter my fam sent me and I made Hummus! I can
cook! Thank you so much!