The only thing was all the rain. So this time of year, the days are all the same. Scorching hot in the morning, and pouring rain in the afternoon. It's incredible. Many times this week we got caught in the rain and got just a little soaked. I could not believe how what i got even tho I have a giant umbrella. My umbrella broke a bit in one of the storms, so that made things even better. The good thing is that I love rain and my comp and I had a great time soaking it all up and running up the hills to the nearest house of someone we know.
This week was amazing because I had the opportunity to see the pure love of Christ in action. I have met so many people here on the mission that give everything to the Lord and to others. I want to be that person. I want to be someone who thinks nothing about themselves and only how they can help others. I am definitely not to that point yet, but I am working on it, and with God's help i will get there someday. At church yesterday a member told a stroy that really touched my heart. He said how he will never forget one lady who he met on his mission, who didnt have hardly anything to give, but wanted to give what she had to the missionaries. The lady was a little older, lived all alone and had no family to help her, but was full of charity. The member just cried as he tried to tell us how he could feel the pure love of Christ through that lady as she gave the little that she had to servants of the Lord.
The love of Christ can change the world. People do not forget the service that others offer. I certainly cannot forget. I am so grateful for the love of God that I can feel every single day. God loves us! Christ lived and died for us! He rose from the dead and He still lives! I know that to be true, and I know that He is our Savior. So remember to help someone this Christmas. "It may be small, but if its your all, its enough."
It was also amazing to talk to my family! Even though it was a little hard to speak just English! I love them!
Sister Berry